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Turnkey Projects

Greenleaf Envirotech - Turnkey Projects Expertise.

Turnkey Projects

To provide solutions to everyday increasing pollution and environmental deterioration, Greenleaf Envirotech offers a large number of feasible and cost-effective services. The turnkey project is our biggest revenue stream.

We design, construct, supply, install and commission projects on a turnkey basis for a variety of wastewaters and effluents, combining advanced physicochemical treatment processes with a tertiary polishing system to remove organic, inorganic, oil, and grease, heavy metals, and suspended solids and other harmful substances in the effluent. We have effectively designed and executed Turnkey projects for Sewage Treatment Process, Effluent Treatment Process, Water Treatment Plant, Reverse Osmosis Project, and Zero Liquid Discharge Effect.

Effluent discharge by industries, hotels, and commercial business units, domestic effluent, etc has a deleterious impact on the water and soil because it contains high levels of BOD, COD, TSS, and TDS. BOD levels above a certain threshold reduce dissolved oxygen (DO) levels, putting freshwater resources at risk. Advanced Treatment processes should be executed to treat effluent.

For this purpose, we design and execute projects undergoing a series of steps which include the award of the project, design engineering, approval of the design, civil construction, delivery of machines, Installation, and electrical work, and Commissioning. The material of the Construction (MOC) range offered by us includes Mild Steel coated with Epoxy paint (MS) packaged , and/or Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) tanks.

To date, we have successfully executed SBR Technology 32 MLD Capacity STP, 2.9 MLD STP, 4.1 MLD STP, 5.13 MLD STP, MBBR Technology 10 MLD, and 3.5 MLD STP, 1.6 MLD STP in different states of India including Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Madhyapradesh and Assam. The total worth of the projects is INR 85 Crores.


  • Visit and analyze the requiremetns
  • Project management in its entirety
  • Equipment design and supply
  • Unique and Intricate designs
  • High-Quality Material
  • Installation in conjunction with civil work
  • Fair Price
  • After-sales service