Greenleaf Envirotech - Solar Desalination Technology.

Solar Desalination

Solar desalination is a process that uses solar energy to convert saltwater into fresh water. Solar desalination is an environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution for water scarcity in coastal regions. The most commonly used methods are direct (thermal) and indirect (photovoltaic). This can be done through various techniques, such as: Read more…

Greenleaf Envirotech - Microbial Fuel Cell Technology.

Microbial Fuel Cell

Microbial Fuel Cell is a device that uses microorganisms which break down organic waste material to effectively generate electrical energy. MFC consists of two electrodes separated by a SPM (Semi-permeable membrane) submersed in an electrolyte solution. At anode, the bacteria decompose organic matter and produce free H+ ions and electrons. Read more…

EPR Certification: Necessity (PWM/ PIBO)

EPR Certification

EPR Certification Plastic packaging waste EPR (extended producer responsibility) certification is necessary for PIBO (producers, importers & brand owners) and recyclers because it helps to address the environmental impact of plastic waste. The purpose of plastic packaging waste EPR Certification is to incentivize producers, importers, and brand owners to take Read more…


Environment Impact Assessment

Environment Impact Assessment is a process used to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of proposed projects or developments in order to get environmental clearance. The goal of EIA is to identify environmental risks, determine the significance of those risks, and identify mitigation measures that can be taken to reduce or Read more…

"Hardness removal methods for clean water"

Hardness Removal

Hardness removal refers to the process of reducing the hardness of water. Hard water is water that contains high levels of minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which can cause buildup in pipes and on fixtures, as well as impact the effectiveness of soaps and detergents. There are various methods Read more…

Greenleaf Envirotech - In-Situ Domestic Wastewater Treatment.

In-Situ Domestic Wastewater Treatment

In-situ domestic wastewater treatment systems provide an innovative solution to decentralized water management, particularly in areas devoid of access to centralized treatment plants. Utilizing technologies such as septic tanks, constructed wetlands, and composting toilets, these systems address household wastewater directly at the source. The multi-stage treatment process involves pre-treatment, primary Read more…
